Wednesday 30 March 2022

Wedding canopy for a covid wedding

                                         Wedding Canopy

6' x 6'

This lovely young couple struggled to make their wedding plans work during the pandemic.  Although they wanted to invite many loved ones, in the end, their vows were made before an intimate crowd of immediate family.  Luckily they had a beautiful setting: parents' property on the Otonabee river.  One thing they were sure of; they wanted a hand made Chuppa!

                  The bride's first actual view of the creation we had planned over long distance.

                         Both bride and groom seem really happy with the final product.

The groom and his best man created the structure.  I am posing with the bride as we gave the structure a trial run.


 Detail:  I was working in a colour palette that I am not that comfortable with and used a lace I found that was similar to the lace on the bride's gown.  The bride asked for a big bright sun in the centre, which I painted.  I was very happy to have the challenge to create something original, in colours that I might not naturally choose.  It was an opportunity to push myself into a new space that made me slightly uncomfortable and in so doing, offered a great learning experience.

The bride and groom study the installation.

The original idea was to create a bicycle wheel in the centre since they are both avid cyclists.  
However the idea morphed over time.

And in the end, this wedding was beautiful, and heart warming for all, those present, and those present in spirit.  


  1. Dear Daniela, what a lovely post. Your chuppa was such an important part of the wedding and the kids will cherish it always. Thank you for working out of your comfort zone!

  2. It was an absolute pleasure. I know that they love it, and of course, that is always the most important goal.
