Friday 27 November 2020

Covid Posies

Covid Posies

When this lock down began, I became a bit frozen, creatively speaking.  I would walk into my sewing room but then wander out again.  Getting past that hurdle was difficult as I had a hard time focusing but what helped was sorting through my stash and organizing my bits and pieces.

What also helped was hand embroidery.  It seemed to still my anxiety about our global situation, and helped me focus on the tiny task at hand.  All the images of the virus led me to creating red embroidery circular patterns on grey felt circles.  I created 19 unique grey and red embroidered circles.

Of course, then something needed to be done with these creations.  Working towards joy, I decided they could be the centres of fun flowers.  I cut into some of hand dyed fabric to create the petals and then painted/dyed the background.
Since the embroidery was done on felt, when it was appliqued onto the background, the centres bump forward or 'pop up' which is a fun bonus!

I had too many embroidery samples for one project so stay tuned for the next one, on a similar theme.



  1. I'm expecting to see an explosion of Covid-inspired artwork over the next few years and I'm pleased to find this piece that takes the energy of the unfortunate inspiration and turns it into something joyous and timeless. There is a place for other Covid work of a much darker and scolding nature, of course, but there is a place for this too. Thanks

  2. Thanks so much, and indeed, I am glad that you have that impression. I did want to make something lighthearted and positive.
