Wont You Come Sit by Me
12" x 9.5"
This work began with a photo of my dear father (now departed) in a very rare moment of repose. My parents bought a piece of land when I was very young, in the woods, on a plateau on the side of a mountain in the Laurentions in the province of Quebec, Canada. This may sound very 'la di da' but it actually was, and still is, a very basic, underdeveloped, part of the world where the lakes are all still quite clean and alive with frogs and fish, where you will still see a heron sweep in for a feed, and the loons call to their loves. In other words, a nature paradise. Eventually my parents had young Freddie build a small log cabin for us on the plateau. Freddie decided where to dig for the well tromping through the woods with a divining rod. Sure enough, we dug and found our water source.
Throughout the years, my family has always spent a significant part of our summers there as has the next generation. ....
Ahh, you ask, all very interesting, but what about this photo? Well, my father was a man who wouldn't spend a dime he didn't feel was necessary and would rather spend hours in the basement fashioning a hook and eye for a door out of old wire than buy one. So, he always had projects. He also prefered his quiet pursuits than the rambunctiousness of the family antics. So it was very unusual to see him sitting in a lounge chair like this, outside, just hanging out in his Tilley hat. I suppose thats why I took the photo.
Stitching detail
I would like to think that he was sitting here watching his grandchildren run around the cottage, enjoying the sun on his face, and feeling the joy that this piece of paradise brought to all of us.
Detail of Tree
The work was done with free motion stitchery, on dyed and painted fabric.
The figure was free-motion stitched using a water-soluble stabilizer under silk organza.